Humble Coffee Cup


For years, a coffee cup has been a curse in disguise. We idolised it, but it has been a blight on the environment. The humble coffee cup that we adored turned into an eyesore. Our landfills swelled up fast, and here we are, facing uncontrollable waste.

Disposable coffee cups shoulder massive blame for the current waste. Their non-composability remains their flaw up to date. If only these cups could decay, we would have a different conversation. 

Despite the compostable nature of paper, paper cups carried a taint in their coating. The film coating, essential for heat insulation, was an unsafe plastic. That made the coffee cup hard to recycle and a threat to all the planet’s creatures. 

Thanks to innovations in the paper cup industry! We finally envisioned an alternative to the problematic PE coating.

Salute the Compostable Paper Cup!

Salute the reinvention of the paper cup
Salute the bio paper cups

Here comes a coffee cup that takes away all the guilt from coffee lovers. Where a cup of coffee caused mounds of waste, it now boosts the nutritional value of our soils. 

That paper cup now braces a corn starch film that can decay in the soil to produce more corn for more containers. It’s referred to as a compostable paper cup, meaning you can dig a pit in your garden and bury it with the rest of food waste.

The compostable paper cup takes us to an era that was always a pipe dream. This cup now provides manure to grow organic foods. It also aids us in championing a green planet. 

Can you Recycle the Compostable Paper Cup?


All paper cups are recyclable. The devil, has always lain in their film coating. Separating the film coating from the paper cup needs a unique recycling plant. It would be best to dispose of the coffee cups in a separate bin for recycling. 

Recyclable and compostable
Recyclable & compostable material

The current waste problem is more like a self-inflicted wound. Our throwaway culture is to blame for the strain in the oceans and the environment. We have always discarded items that could get recycled. Our past actions cause health issues to animals, marine, and pollute the environment. 

Even with environmental awareness, the world still generates two billion tonnes of waste. A UN-Habitat report shows many people buy items and throw them away within six months. 

Everyone can play a role in reducing waste and pollution. We need to buy more durable, dispose of garbage well and recycle as much as we can.

Compostable paper cups are heaven sent. The cup that misses recycling can go to industrial composting facilities for degradation. They only need oxygen, moisture, and the right temperatures to degrade into organics. 

How is a Compostable Paper Cup any different from Plastic? 

Bio paper cups differ from plastic and bioplastic cups. Whereas plastic comes from fossil fuels, bio products hail from renewable corn starch. The thing with corn starch is it’s abundant in supply. We can never exhaust it as long as we continue replanting it. 

Whats the difference
The difference between bio & non-bio

Corn starch reliability as a packaging material remains unquestionable. Growing a corn plant to maturity takes 60-90 days only. The plant can grow in both wet and semi-arid areas. 

Using corn prevents the exploitation of fossil fuels. It’s even better for the environment compared to plastics. Producing PLA requires half less energy and emits 78% less carbon. 

Previous paper coatings such as PE threatened marine and our lives. PE takes long to break down, and fish confuse the broken particles for food. You can imagine we consume the same contaminated fish! PE also leaches oestrogenic chemicals, making it unsafe for food packing. 

In the long run, bio paper cups will cut down landfill waste and guarantee marine life is safe. Oceon creatures can’t differentiate a bad from a safe paper cup. Until we get rid of plastics, then we can rest.

Compostable Paper Cup Saving Entrepreneurs

Bring along your mug or pay latte levy! Who should bear the burden of the disposable paper cup? It can’t be the customer. As long as the proposal continues to target customers, it will remain impractical.

Some businesses use rewards and discounts to nudge the customer to use reusable cups. But all these efforts seem in vain. Companies pay the price for not providing reliable solutions to the paper cup problem.

Customers want to go green, but the convenience of disposables remains irresistible. Businesses that persist pushing the customer may lose sales to their innovative counterparts. 

How can businesses overcome legislations such as the levy and please the coffee fan? The most innovative solution is a compostable paper cup.

The European Union expects to adopt recyclable and biodegradable products by 2025. Brands that are greening are steps ahead of these legislations and their competitors. 

Compostable paper cups provide brands with a platform to stay ahead of market trends. Businesses that shift can charm the eco-conscious customer and dominate early on.

Compostable Paper Cup for Green Branding

Biodegradable Paper Cup
Compostable paper cup

There’s a time coffee cups were a passive component of a coffee shop. Then, coffee cups were dull, and the styling didn’t matter. People loved coffee for its value and quality was the primary selling point. 

The coffee customer has evolved over the years. The new customer encounters hundreds of options in a day. In every neighbourhood, there’s a coffee joint beckoning a coffee lover. Without turning that customer into a loyalist, businesses can’t thrive for long.

Brands now have to use a range of marketing tools to sell to the overwhelmed customer. The customer faces a million choices, yet they have limited time to focus. J

eff Goins, a revered American speaker says businesses need to paint their cow purple for it to sell. No one sees the usual stuff anymore. Only remarkable products hack it.

The point is, compostable paper cups set businesses apart. They are innovative. And we can customise them to appeal to a whole slew of customers. Companies that need a green reputation are in safe hands with these cups.